“Hello, good evening doc Chudi sorry that I have come to your inbox, but I need to share this testimony as it could encourage one or two people. My testimony I have learnt so much from all your teaching, i have been a follower since 2017, I got married in 2019, but started try to conceive in 2018. In 2019 just before our wedding I became worried as there was no pregnancy, but I was encouraged by you in one of ur online videos, where you asked all trying to convince to take a bold step and see a fertility specialist, I told hubby and he too encouraged, we saw one. After examining me, the told me that I had fibroid, he asked me to do a scan, and I did, then we found out that there was a massive fibroid that sat on my uterus and some other tiny ones in the womb. He told me that we have to take out the fibroid first before any other thing. In another of your online videos, I asked about taking in with fibroid you too, said I should tackle the fibroid first. We waited till after our wedding, then we did d surgery in August 2019 and urs truly there was a very massive fibroid and other tiny ones. My doctor said the fibroid added too much pressure on the womb and there was no way even if I took in, that the pregnancy would not stay. We started trying to conceive again 3months after the surgery and immediately I took in. All thanks to God and your teaching. the pregnancy was smooth and easy, But at 38weeks baby was distressed thank God for the teaching I have learnt , especially on stressing that pregnant women should count their baby’s kicks. Immediately I noticed that the kicks were more than double of its usual kicks I rushed to the hospital, they did a scan and found out that the beats were irregular and we were booked for emergency surgery and today we are out of the hospital, myself and baby are healthy and strong. Edd 19/22 August DOB 6th August 2020I am a proud mum of a baby girl. A word of encouragement to all going to conceive I encourage u to visit a doctor, take that bold step do not ignore any post by doc Chudy all are very educating it could help u or someone very close to u. My special thanks to God Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary, doc chudy and all the doctors who saw me tru thanks you, thank you, thank you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Welcome my little princess πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ”


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