Topic: Sleep Disorders & Mental Health Presented On FACEYOUTH Monthly Mental Health Awareness


● Sleep disorders are often associated with depression and other mental disorders.

● Most people are aware that it’s healthy to get a good night’s sleep.

● Yet, try as you might, you may have trouble accomplishing that goal.

● Sometimes, the problem is simply the noisy, busy world around you.

● Other times, it may be something within you, such as your physical or mental health, that keeps you from sleeping well.

● Whatever the cause, without the right duration and quality of sleep, your mental health suffers.


Depression And Sleep

●These two mental health problems often go together.

● Many researchers have studied the connection between poor sleep and depression.

● In one study, 21% of patients with sleep apnea, had symptoms of major depression.

● In another study, 3.5% of people with chronic sleep problems had moderate to severe depression.

● But even more startling, a full half of those with inadequate sleep hygiene, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome suffered from some form of depression.

● Researchers still have a long way to go to study every aspect of the connection between poor sleep and depression.

● However, one thing is clear. There does seem to be a connection.

● So, it stands to reason that improving your sleep might help you avoid depression or lessen its symptoms.

● And at the same time, dealing with your depression may improve your sleep.

● Sleep problems like insomnia and sleeping too much as signs of depression.

● If your doctor or therapist is determining whether you have depression, they’ll likely ask about and consider the quality and duration of your sleep.

● In a scholarly article on sleep and depression, David Nutt, M.D., and his associates reported that 75% of depressed people have insomnia symptoms, while 40% of depressed young adults have hypersomnia symptoms.

● Sleep might be more than a symptom, though.

● It may be a factor in the cause of depression.

● A study featured a series of surveys taken by 9,683 young women. Those who reported problems with their sleep in the initial surveys had a significantly increased risk of developing depression in later surveys.

So, which comes first? Sleep problems or depression?

The research to date is mixed on this issue, but it appears that sleep problems might be both a risk factor and a result of depression.

Sleep Mechanism

●If you’re sleeping well, you go through two types of sleep:

1● Quiet sleep

2● Rapid eye movement sleep.

● During the quiet sleep phase, you go through four stages of sleep, beginning with light sleep and progressing to deeper and deeper sleep.

● When you’re in the deepest phase of sleep, your body repairs itself, and your immune system gets a boost.

● During REM sleep, on the other hand, your breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure increase to waking levels.

● This part of sleep is the time when you dream.

● Getting enough REM sleep improves your learning and memory, and it contributes to good mental health in many ways.

Mental Health Implications

●Now, consider how disrupted sleep can cause problems with your mental health.

●If you don’t get enough sleep in the quiet phases, your body can’t repair itself.

● You become more susceptible to infections.

● Both problems make sleep even harder.

● Poor sleep in this phase can increase negative thinking that often leads to depression.

● You don’t feel well, so it’s hard to be positive.

● Missing out on REM sleep can also have severe consequences.

● Your thinking and memory deteriorate, and your emotional health suffers.

● Sleep disruptions have a profound impact on the way the neurotransmitters in your brain function.

● Your stress hormones increase as you become more and more sleep-deprived.

● Your thinking becomes impaired, and you begin to have trouble regulating your emotions.

Thank you.

Dr. Chudi Chukwudi Ufondu


~ WebMD


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