Can You Be Pregnant and Still Get Your Period?

To some, the answer is straight no, while others might argue and make a case for this happening!

You might have heard a friend or a relative say that she had her period the entire time while she was pregnant, matter of fact some will even bet with their new born baby’s life.

However, it is important to understand the difference between menstrual flow and dysfunction uterine bleeding. Bleeding is one of the common things that happen in pregnancy especially in the first trimester, this can be in the form of spotting or mild intermittent bleeding, and it can also be severe.

Sometimes bleeding is a tell tale sign of some things not sitting right with growing fetus. Most times some women worry about the pregnancy status especially if they have engaged in unprotected sex and had their period, but want to be certain about whether they are pregnant or not.

Having said that, the right answer to the above question is empathic No!
It is logically, physiologically and practically not plausible. It is possible to experience a menstrual like bleeding, however this cannot be mistaken for monthly menses.

You can experience something that seem or looks like your period, but technically it is not.
You can only experience periods when you are not pregnant.

Once pregnancy sets in, the body will start the production of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is practically responsible for stopping your monthly period. It is important to note, you might experience something that is quite similar to your period at the time that your period was to begin. This is called popularly called breakthrough bleeding.

Any bleeding while you are pregnant is treated and investigated as abnormal. Most times for some women, the blood they see is a result of vaginal bleeding, whereas for others, they get intermittent bleeding thinking it is an irregularity in their menstrual cycle.

Like we have learnt in series of articles here, every month, your uterine wall is decorated with a thick layer of blood waiting for a fertilized ovum to be implanted. So if conception does not occur during this time, the thick layer of blood, the endometrium, is shed off as your period.

But if implantation occurs, the endometrium will stay intact under the instructions of the hormones. As a result, you will not have your period till the pregnancy is over. (FACT)

Bleeding during early pregnancy is a common phenomenon, though experts are not yet able to explain the reason behind it.

But, there are some theoretical propositions; some suspect it is because the menstruation hormones are able to conquer your pregnancy hormones.

Thank you.

Dr. Chukwudi Ufondu

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