Amazing Testimony!!
Intermittent Fasting WORKS!!

“Hello Dr. Ufondu,
It’s me, one of your fans. I was just watching your Live broadcast today and imagine my surprise when I heard you speaking about Intermittent Fasting.
I know you do not know me personally but I have been living an IF lifestyle and over the last 5 years I’ve been able to lose over 160lbs using this approach.
I wasn’t in the best of health not that long ago – actually I was on the brink of death because my period had not stop for almost 8 years due to my weight and hormone imbalances and my hemoglobin and iron had dropped low at that point that my organs were shutting down and I needed intravenous iron infusions.
My doctor, at the time, told me I needed to take control and lose some weight. So my journey began and I just thought I’d share a couple resources with you that were game changers for me and you may find useful for your followers.
1. Delay, Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens – this book and her others have changed my life. It’s an easy read and straight forward to follow.
2. The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung – a bit techinIcal but I loved it!
I’m happy to say that with only a 30lb loss my period regulated itself and has been perfectly normal since.
I’ve been living my life this way for the last 5 years now and although I have struggles and hard days I stick with it. My mantra is simple – less in and more out. I still eat EVERYTHING I want – just during my window and making sure to keep my overall calories in mind. I never feel restricted and I have more energy then I have ever had before. I’m happy to share my story with other women in the hope that this will inspire them. I will tell anyone who will listen, I only wish I had done this in my 20s not my 40s. 😆My weight loss journey has been life changing for me in so many ways – please use it to help others.”

~ SGHS Fan, Canada

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